Dent & Co. has been saved, and those of us in both the United States and the United Kingdom should be grateful. We have the British cultural Renaissance of the 1980s and 1990s to thank for this.
Whether it was Margaret Thatcher, the Falkland Islands War, or the eventual defeat of Soviet-style communism, something helped unleash the British psyche upon the rest of the world. It was the most complimentary imperialism that one could imagine, and iconic British symbols were renewed in the process.
But it produced some new ones: Simon Cowell being one. It also saved some old ones: Dent & Company. In an interesting twist of fate, both of these were brought together, the old and the new. Simon Cowell, of international fame due to the success of “American Idol,” is the newest and most recognisable face of Dent. His White Gold Dent Ministry Chronograph is nothing short of stunning; it speaks volumes to the British revival.
It’s hoped that this kind of publicity will allow one of the greatest stories in watchmaking history to continue well into the future. Ironically, that fate may well rest with the American recognition of the brand. Though burgeoning Far Eastern markets are tremendously important to manufacturers, Dent Watches remain distinctly British. Americans are generally slower to change their buying habits, but once they do, it occurs with a tremendous jump in consumer demand. If you can win over even a small number of Americans, your chance of starting a trend grow exponentially.
Consider it, Dent. Few cultures share as much history and cultural affinity as that of the United Kingdom with respect to the United States. Three hundred million Americans, with the largest disposable income in the world, recovering from a recession, presents an interesting scenario. With as many eyes as there are on Simon Cowell at any moment in time, I expect to see more Dent & Co. White Gold Ministry Chronographs popping up in the near future.